Wednesday, 3 September 2008

~..DeAtH...oR tHe sChOoL'S tOiLeT !!!!..~'s the 1st time i went to the school toilet(and actually doing "something")..the school's toilet is always the bane of my life..full of censored "objects" there.."objects" that was supposed to lay at rest in the underworld is still roaming there..they're everywhere..and yet many students are attracted by their "aroma"..ahahah~~..aren't there any ghostbusters out there??..oops,my*tbuster??..anyone??..luckily i went to the teacher's toilet..haahah~~~!!! it' bearable for me la..i have stomach ache and maybe it's food poisoning or something..i may not come tomorrow..diarrhoea..urgghh..the pain..

~..well,today's life is ok(just "ok")..there's no loss or gain(compensation point,remember??..ahaha~~!!)..1st period,agama/moral..not much happened except all 4sc1 n 4sc2 students are obligated to go for tadarus al-Quran everyday after school for our PAFA SPM marks..luckily only 1/2 an hour..sejarah also nothing..sivik is always the "doing unfinished homework time" is also ok..add stomach started to grumble..sheesh..then i run to the toilet la..and go home..and sleep..

~..the "dog" has been after me for two days..yesterday he said "ariff,may i have your phone number??"..i said my number's private and dashed he still trying to find me in my class..can it be he's trying to use me to do something to jeffy??..ha,dream on~!!!..although pn.H mock me..jeffy's still under my protection..scram,you dog~~!!!..but among all people,he pronouce my name perfectly..other than that..hell awaits you,dearie..stop traumatising us..or we'll be force to use force against you..remember this.. said that jeffy's expressions are easy to be read..when he's sad,happy or have a problem,everyone will know..he's different than front of others..i have only a few expressions only..should i be more like jeffy??..hmm..i wonder..maybe one day a person that can see through me will come..i'll just wait until then..okie la,tata titi tutu~~!!

"..defaecation is the way of life..without it,we'll suffer a pain worse than hell itself.."

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